
- Demolitions Pack
- This pack carries an enormous amount of explosives. When used, it
will give you a couple of seconds to leave the area, then it will
distribute its explosives all over the surrounding area. These then
trigger after a couple of seconds, annihilating anyone unlucky enough
to be there.
- Fallout Pack
- This pack will protect its wearer from radiation and poisonous gas.
- Flag Carrier Pack
- This pack allows you to pick up and carry your own flag for a brief
period of time. Use this in conjunction with the deployable Flag
- Flame Pack
- This pack makes the wearer fire-resistant (resistant to the burn
effect) and provides extra fuel for the Flamethrower.
- Infiltration Pack
- When triggered, this pack will attempt to displace the wearer forward
a few meters. Use this pack to infiltrate enemy bases through thin
- Medic Pack
- This pack will create repair kits at the expense of energy. Useful
for those extended stays inside enemy territory.
- Mine Pack
- Need to mine your area quickly? Strap one of these on and start
throwing mines to your heart's content.
- Rocket Pack
- This pack will propel the wearer forward with a strong thrust that
rivals that of many vehicles. Useful for gettting to the enemy base
in a hurry.
- Seed Pack
- This pack contains seeds which the wearer may throw about. Seeds
in the proper conditions will grow into bushes, shrubs, and trees.
- Stealth Pack
- This pack endows the user with the adaptive camoflauge technology.
See the Stealth effect.