
There are various effects which may help or hinder (depending on who is
getting affected).
- Acid effect
- Acid is most effective against machinery. It will continue to eat
away at affected objects for a while. Shields cannot stop acid.
- Blind effect
- When blinded, a player's screen will stay red for a longer time
and they will be have a difficult time spotting enemy players. Various
smoke and flash weapons will blind players.
- Burn effect
- Burning is effective against both players and machinery. It will
continue to burn the object and ignite any nearby players for a while.
However, flames will roll right around shielded objects.
- Detonation Frequency effect
- When Remote Bombs have been placed, any team member with a Remote
Detonator may trigger the bombs from anywhere in the mission.
- EMP effect
- Electro-magnetic pulses will disrupt electrical systems in both
players and machinery. It takes a while for the systems to come back
on line.
- Personal Shield effect
- A personal shield is a shield that surrounds a player. However,
the power systems of each armor cannot maintain the shield for long.
- Poison Gas Cloud effect
- Poison gas clouds are dangerous to wander into. They may blind and
poison anyone who runs into them.
- Radiation effect
- Radiation is the slow killer. It is not stopped by barriers or walls.
- Stealth effect
- New adaptive camoflauging technology can render an object or person
virtually invisible.