
The Specialist mod was developed by Prototype i |PTi|, and Voltron
Prototype i is:
- |PTi|, {TGO}LadyMacbeth <rcabrera@cs.uml.edu>
- Producer and Programmer
- -GK-, {TGO}Tab Chomper <gnorizei@hotmail.com>
- Senior Developer and Engineering Consultant
- DrinkSprite, {TGO}Sprite <souliv@aol.com>
- Developer, Game-Balance Consultant, and Lead Tester
- |PTi|, {TGO}Exodus20:13 <DigitalArts@collegeclub.com>
- Playtester and Guinea Pig
- JesuitKing |PTi| <emmanuel_ortiz@hotmail.com>
- Extremist Playtester and Adult Entertainer
- TaoDemon |PTi| <taodemon@hotmail.com>
- Playtester and Moving Target
- Martha Stewart, Britney Spears
- Victim
Voltron is:
- |V| Black Lion
- Associate Designer
- |V| Red Lion
- Playtester
- |V| Green Lion
- Senior Designer
- |V| Yellow Lion
- Playtester
- |V| Blue Lion
- Executive Producer