
Beacons are used to deploy light equipment or to activate certain effects. A player may carry many types of beacons at the same time, if they wish. If they do, they can select what core to use next from the Options menu / Equipment Options / Choose Beacon Core.

To use a particular beacon, you must have a Beacon and a Core. The core is what the beacon contains, and the beacon is like a "wrapper". All beacon cores are indicated by an asterisk before their name (e.g. "* Eavesdropper Core").

If you try to deploy a beacon and you have no cores, the default Targeting Beacon is deployed.

* Alarm Core
A deployable alarm which is triggered when an enemy player approaches it. When triggered, the alarm will send an alert message to your entire team telling who triggered the alarm and what armor they are wearing. The alarm can sense enemies on the other side of walls or around corners.
* Camera Core
A deployable camera.
* Circuit Explosive Core
A deployable explosive charge that one deploys on stations. When the station activates, the explosive is triggered. Stick it on the back of enemy inventory stations and have a few laughs.
* Comm Silencer Core
A deployable communications silencer which emits a jamming signal on all communications frequencies. This creates a field around the silencer in which no radio communication is possible.
* Eavesdropper Core
A deployable which can intercept enemy communications transmitted from within its sensor radius.
* ForceShield Core
A deployable that, when attached to other objects, provides them with a shield, prolonging their lifespan.
* Loudmouth Core
A deployable that camoflauges itself when deployed. When an enemy gets within its sensor range, it will begin to shout insults and taunts. It can sense enemies through barriers.
* Motion Sensor Core
A deployable motion sensor.
* Personal Shield Core
This core provides the player with a personal shield, as if they were wearing a shield pack.
* Pulse Sensor Core
A deployable pulse sensor.
* Timed Explosive Core
An explosive that will detonate after 10 seconds.
* RepairBot Core
A deployable that contains a nanotechnology repair bot. When attached to other objects, the repair bot will monitor the condition of the object and effect repairs when necessary.
* Sensor Jammer Core
A deployable sensor jammer.
* Spy Camera Core
A deployable camera which camoflauges itself when deployed.

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