
Most of the Administrator options are self-explanatory and easy to use.
But just in case you have any questions, see below.
- Auto-admin
- You can use this to make a player into an admin automatically
when they connect to the game. Just specify their name, IP addresses,
and admin status (Admin or SuperAdmin).
- Gag
- When you select a player's name, this option will appear. Gagged
players cannot speak.
- Anti-Rape Mode
- This mode helps to prevent base rape by making generators and stations
invincible. This mode can also be voted in/out from the public.
- Leave Mission Area (LMA) Penalty
- You can set the penalty for leaving the mission area to one of the
following: Warn, Damage, DelayedKill, InstantKill. In Warn mode, the
player will just be warned. In Damage mode, the player will take damage
as long as they are out of bounds. In DelayedKill mode, the player
will be warned, and then killed after a grace period. In InstantKill
mode, the player is killed the moment that they step out of bounds.